She was a tailor. She was thus good with the scissors.

And I can't think of any better reason why my mother used to give me a haircuts when I was a child. Always short, kind of a boyish style. I guess that’s the only style she knew how to pull off.

All until one day her scissors bite my ear. We decided then it’s the best she sticks to tailoring.

And she really did magic with fabric. She still does! She used to make the dress for my first day in school. And for the last, graduation day as well.

And I know she hopes to make me the wedding dress one day.

I hope that too mom <3

Amongst many amazing things, she’s The most hard working person I’ve ever known. Being now oceans apart, makes it that much easier for me to realize how much I admire and appreciate you.

Really, thank you for everything mom!

And on this Mother's weekend let’s all join and honor mothers that brought us to this world. Cheers to all amazing souls that love tenderly and care so passionately!

What magic touch does your mother have? And is there maybe a story that goes with it? If you'd like to share it, I'd definitely like to read it. Please do post it in the comments below.

*Before you scroll down (to see me and my mother ;), hug someone. Maybe, your mother? Or someone else's mother?

Mother's day - Family Photography-4.jpg
Last images by my dear friend Nikola

Last images by my dear friend Nikola


These are just a few of the amazing mothers I get the chance to meet on my journey as a photographer.

If you wish to have a long life memory of you and your mom, I’d love to have your photo taken.

And top it off with current 40% discount on all family shoots. Check out all the details here in the Family page.

Finally, I really hope to continue writing more. So if you would like to have delivered post like this one, then sign up for my newsletter bellow.